Code Premix

Using Angular directives to manipulate the DOM

📅June 7, 2023

Angular is a powerful JavaScript framework that allows developers to create dynamic web applications. One of the key features of Angular is the use of directives, which allow you to manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM) of your application. Directives are an essential part of building Angular applications, and mastering them can greatly enhance your development skills.

In this article, we’ll explore how to use Angular directives to manipulate the DOM. We’ll start with a brief overview of directives and then dive into several examples of how you can use them to create dynamic, interactive web applications.

What are Angular Directives?

Angular directives are markers on a DOM element that tell AngularJS to attach a specific behavior to that element or even transform the DOM itself. Directives allow developers to extend HTML with new attributes and tags that provide dynamic functionality to their applications.

Angular provides built-in directives such as ng-repeat, ng-if, and ng-class, which can be used to create dynamic web applications. In addition to these built-in directives, Angular also allows developers to create their custom directives that can manipulate the DOM to meet their application’s specific requirements.

Using Angular Directives to Manipulate the DOM

Angular directives can be used to manipulate the DOM in a variety of ways. Here are some examples of how you can use directives to create dynamic, interactive web applications.

Example 1: Showing and Hiding Elements

The ng-show and ng-hide directives can be used to show or hide elements based on a condition. For example, let’s say you have a login form that you only want to show when the user is not logged in. You can use the ng-hide directive to hide the form when the user is logged in and the ng-show directive to show it when the user is not logged in.

<div ng-hide="isLoggedIn()">
    <!-- login form fields -->

<div ng-show="isLoggedIn()">
  <p>Welcome back, {{}}!</p>

In this example, the isLoggedIn() function returns true if the user is logged in, and false otherwise. The ng-hide directive will hide the login form if the user is logged in, and the ng-show directive will show a welcome message if the user is logged in.

Example 2: Styling Elements

The ng-class directive can be used to apply CSS classes to elements based on a condition. For example, let’s say you have a list of items, and you want to apply a different color to the items based on their status. You can use the ng-class directive to apply a CSS class to each item based on its status.

  <li ng-repeat="item in items" ng-class="{ 'completed': item.status === 'completed', 'in-progress': item.status === 'in-progress', 'not-started': item.status === 'not-started' }">

In this example, the ng-class directive applies a CSS class to each item based on its status. If the status is “completed,” the “completed” class will be applied, and so on.

Example 3: Creating Custom Directives

You can also create custom directives in Angular to manipulate the DOM in more complex ways. Here is an example of a custom directive that applies a background color to an element based on a specified input:

import { Directive, Input, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';

  selector: '[appHighlight]'
export class HighlightDirective {
  @Input('appHighlight') highlightColor: string;

  constructor(private el: ElementRef) { }

  ngOnInit() { = this.highlightColor || 'yellow';

In the above code, we import the Directive, Input, and ElementRef classes from the Angular core library. We then create a custom directive using the @Directive decorator with the selector property set to [appHighlight].

The @Input decorator is used to define the input property of the directive. In this case, we define a property called highlightColor which will be used to set the background color of the element.

In the HighlightDirective class, we define a constructor that takes an ElementRef instance as a parameter. The ElementRef is a class that provides access to the DOM element that the directive is applied to.

Finally, we implement the ngOnInit() lifecycle hook method to apply the background color to the element. If the highlightColor property is set, we use its value as the background color, otherwise, we use the default color of yellow.

To use the custom directive in a component template, we simply add the appHighlight attribute to the element we want to apply the directive to and set the highlightColor property as shown below:

<p appHighlight highlightColor="green">This paragraph is highlighted in green</p>

In this case, we apply the appHighlight directive to a paragraph element and set the highlightColor property to green. The ngOnInit() method in the HighlightDirective class will then be called, and the background color of the paragraph element will be set to green.


Angular directives provide a powerful way to manipulate the DOM and create dynamic web applications. In this article, we covered the different types of Angular directives, how to use them, and provided examples of each type.

By leveraging Angular directives, developers can create reusable code, improve application performance, and enhance the user experience. It is important to follow best practices when working with Angular directives to ensure maintainable and scalable code.

With the knowledge gained from this article, you are now equipped to start using Angular directives in your own projects and take advantage of their powerful capabilities.