How to get the current URL using JavaScript
Sometimes, we need to get the current page URL that is shown in the browser URL window so today we explain to you how to get the current URL using JavaScript.
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If current url is'pqr'#abc
and we hit the window.location
command in console window then we will get below output.
// Output:
Location {replace: ƒ, href: "", ancestorOrigins: DOMStringList, origin: "", protocol: "http:", …}
ancestorOrigins: DOMStringList {length: 0}
assign: ƒ assign()
hash: "#abc"
host: ""
hostname: ""
href: "'pqr'#abc"
origin: ""
pathname: "/examples"
port: ""
protocol: "https:"
reload: ƒ reload()
replace: ƒ ()
search: "pqr"
toString: ƒ toString()
valueOf: ƒ valueOf()
Symbol(Symbol.toPrimitive): undefined
__proto__: Location
Now we will explain the properties of location object. So assume that the current URL is'pqr'#abc
Property of location object
1. href
window.location.href will return the entire url of the current document URL.
var currentURL = window.location.href;
// Output:'pqr'#abc
2. protocol
window.location.protocol will return the protocol of the current document URL.
var currentProtocol = window.location.protocol;
// Output: https
3. host will return the host part and port number of the current document URL.
var currentHost =;
// Output:
4. hostname
window.location.hostname will return only the hostname of the current document URL.
var currentHostName = window.location.hostname;
// Output:
5. port
window.location.port will return only the port number of the current document URL.
var currentPort = window.location.port;
// Output: 80
6. pathname
window.location.pathname will return the pathname of the current document URL.
var currentPathName = window.location.pathname;
// Output: /examples
7. search will return the queryString part of the current document URL.
var currentSearchString =;
// Output: 'pqr'
8. hash
window.location.hash will return the anchor part of the current document URL.
var currenthash = window.location.hash;
// Output: #abc
I hope you find this article helpful.
Thank you for reading. Happy Coding..!!