Code Premix

A list of commonly used commands for Git Branches

📅April 14, 2022

Today, we’ll go over the basics of branches and show you how to use git commands to play with them.

  1. What is Branches in Git
  2. Get a list of local branches
  3. Get a list of remote branches
  4. Get a list of all branches
  5. Get the current branch name
  6. Create a branch
  7. Checkout a branch
  8. Create and checkout new branch
  9. Fetch all git branches
  10. Delete a branch locally
  11. Delete a branch remotely
  12. Rename the local branch
  13. Rename the remote branch

1. What is Branches in Git

A branch is a development path that is separate from the main path. It’s just a small, moveable pointer to a particular commit.

To create, retrieve, and remove local and remote branches, use the following command.

2. Get a list of local branches

To retrieve a list of just local branches, use the following command.

git branch

3. Get a list of remote branches

Run the following command to fetch a list of all remote branches.

git branch -r


git branch --remotes

4. Get a list of all branches

Run the following commands to obtain a list of all remote and local branches.

git branch -a


git branch --all

5. Get the current branch name

Based on the git version, the list of commands will be used to retrieve the current branch name.

For Git v2.22+

git branch --show-current

For Git v1.8+

git symbolic-ref --short HEAD

For Git v1.7+

git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD

6. Create a branch

To create a branch, use the following command.

git branch <name_of_branch></name_of_branch>

7. Checkout a branch

To swap from one branch to another, use the following command.

git checkout <name_of_branch></name_of_branch>

8. Create and checkout new branch

By using a single command, you may create a new branch and checkout it.

git checkout -b <name_of_branch></name_of_branch>

9. Fetch all git branches

You will get all branches from all remotes with the following command.

git fetch -a


git fetch origin

To clear off old remote branches from your local system, use the following command.

git fetch origin -p

10. Delete a branch locally

To remove a branch locally, use the following command.

git branch -d <name_of_branch></name_of_branch>

11. Delete a branch remotely

If you see a list of all branches after deleting from a local environment, that means the remote repository still has it. To remove a branch remotely, use the command below.

git push origin -d <name_of_branch></name_of_branch>

12. Rename the local branch

To rename the local git branch, use the command below.

git checkout <old_branch_name></old_branch_name>

Rename the local branch.

git branch -m <new_branch_name></new_branch_name>

13. Rename the remote branch

If you’ve already renamed the local branch, use the command below to rename the remote branch.

git push origin -u <new_branch_name></new_branch_name>

Now use the below command to delete the old branch remotely.

git push origin -d <old_branch_name></old_branch_name>

That’s all I’ve got for today.
Thank you for reading. Happy Coding..!!